Help with Booking a Course
It’s easy to book your event with The Tree of Life centre. You can chose as many courses as you want.
Many of our courses fill up quickly, so try and book early to avoid disappointment. If the course you are trying to book is full, you can add yourself to a waiting list – this option is available on most of our courses.
Browse our courses, or enter a keyword for a subject in the search box at the top of any page.
Filter your course options
If it's just Saturday mornings you have free, you only want a one-off course or you have a set budget - Consider this when choosing a course.
This to consider:
Weekday or weekend
Time of day
Special offers
Some of our courses have discounts. Look out for special offers.
Ways to book your course
By phone – call 24-821-921, Monday-Saturday 10:00-19:00; Saturdays Closed.
In person – The doors to our Centre open Monday-Friday 11:00 to 21:00; Saturdays 10:00-20:00.
By Viber- Just at us on your contacts - Number 95711801
By email - you can send us an old fashioned email to:
Payment methods
With PayPal on our website
In person at the Centre.
Travel Express Courier.
We only accept cash, no cheques.
You can also use Tree of Life vouchers, at the Centre.